FXCashback.link was founded to help many traders in the world save their trading costs when using an exness broker. As you know, Exness broker is a broker that offers complete trading instruments for traders in the world. Although spreads and trading commissions are quite cheap, we want to provide a lower cost solution to trader who use exness brokers.
We provide cashback or rebate on exness brokers up to 80% of the ib commission we receive. We realize that trading fees ( spreads / commissions ) are still quite expensive for traders with high trading volumes, therefore cashback or rebates will really help traders save their costs when trading in high volumes.
To add to your insight about what cashback or rebate is, you can read our review on the page what is exness rebates. If you already understand about cashback or rebate, you also need to read how to get exness rebates that you may need to increase your literacy.
Exness broker is an ideal broker for beginners and professional traders, many traders in the world use Exness to invest in the forex market, cryptocurrencies and other financial instruments, read more review about exness company.